Monday, 21 September 2015

New technologies, just my point of view// Práctica no Evaluable

If we speak about new technologies, I'm sure we couldn't think about any negative thing, but if we stop for a minute and we try to think about it, we'll see how many bad things they have. First of all, when we are near new technologies we waste a lot of time doing some different things that we don't have to do, we have the easiest example with the computer, we use the computer to search some information and while it's loading, we start doing some different things, that's too bad! Also, it's true that since we use new technologies we have gotten away from nature, from our friends and even from our families, because how many times have you been walking through the streets and you have seen a group of friends together but ebery of them using their mobile phones? That's too sad...
Although all those things are really bad, new technologies have really good things, because they make our lives better and more as a conclusion I'd love to finish  my writing saying that new technologies help us in every aspect and when we use them we have more time to do other things, which is fantastic!!!

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